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CarFAX Setup Guide

Guide for enrolling and configuring CarFAX reporting for your company

Updated over 12 months ago

Find the CarFAX setup page

  1. Log in to your backoffice website.

  2. Choose Set Up from the main menu.

  3. Choose CarFAX from the integrations section of the set up menu.

Enable the CarFAX integration feature

Enable the switch labeled Enable CarFAX Reporting Features.

Configure your CarFAX company profile

Your CarFAX company profile is displayed on a vehicle's CarFAX report along with the description of work you performed on the vehicle.

Read the instructions on this page carefully, and enter accurate information. Providing false or misleading information in your CarFAX profile will result in loss of access to CarFAX integration features.

My business does not have a public retail location

CarFAX does not display your business profile on vehicle CarFAX reports.

Businesses operating out of residences, and post office box addresses, do not qualify as public retail locations.

My business has a public retail location

Complete the details for your CarFAX company profile. If any of these details change in the future, please revisit this set up page to update your company profile.

Enable CarFAX features for vehicle types

Setup screen for enabling CarFAX features for vehicle types in the Detail Bookie backoffice

Choose which vehicle types CarFAX Features will be enabled for.

CarFAX features will not appear on a job ticket unless the vehicle type for that job has been enabled.

Configure CarFAX reporting for your detail services

Detail service configuration screen found on the Detail Bookie backoffice

Your detail services can be configured to suggest CarFAX reporting when included on a job ticket.

Wait for CarFAX enrollment approval

It may take a few days for your business profile to be accepted by CarFAX.

You may begin using the CarFAX reporting features on job tickets. Your service record reports will be transmitted once your business profile is approved.

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