A recurring job is a customer job ticket that is automatically added to your work calendar based on your chosen schedule.
Identify your the recurring jobs from the icon on your calendar and job tickets.
Schedule a recurring job
To make a job recurring, chose the Create recurring job option from the job ticket action menu.
The create recurring job screen
A clone of your selected job ticket will be added to the calendar on the schedule you set up here.
First Appointment Date: The first date when a cloned job will be added to your calendar. Don't use the same appointment date as the job you started with! Choose the NEXT appointment date. If a recurring appointment is scheduled for the weekend or while the business is closed, the appointment will automatically be rescheduled for the next available business day.
First Appointment Time: Appointment time future cloned job will be scheduled for.
Days Between Appointments: For a job to occur every four weeks, use 27 days. For a job to occur every other week, use 14 days.
Schedule Lead Time: The job will be cloned onto your calendar this many days before the appointment time. Your customer notifications will begin to be delivered according to your notification settings.
โ ๏ธ The new cloned job is based on the most recent recurring job in this series. Any changes you make to the latest job will carry over to the next job.
See all recurring jobs in one place
View an overview of all your recurring jobs by choose Manage Recurring Jobs from the Betail Bookie backoffice main menu.
Manage a recurring job
Access the recurring job setup screen from any existing recurring job from the job ticket menu.
From the appointment series table:
Cancel a future appointment without affecting the rest of the appointments.
Reschedule a future appointment before it becomes a real job on your calendar.
See if a scheduled appointment conflicts with any other jobs already on your calendar.