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Company Set up Guide
Updated over 9 months ago

Let’s start by filling in the basics for your company.

From the Backoffice main menu, click the Set Up button and choose Company Profile.

Fill out the forms listed on this page to complete your basic company profile. A complete description of each option is below.

  • Business Name

  • Contact Information

  • E-Mail Address

  • Phone Number

  • Address

  • Hours, Time Zone and Locale

  • Hours of Operation

  • Time Zone

  • Locale

  • Payment Settings

  • Minimum Deposit

  • Deposit Percentage

  • Remote Surcharge

  • Sales Taxes

  • Booking Lead Time

  • Logo Background Color

  • Notification Time Window

  • Booking and Address Options

  • Allow booking of In House jobs

  • Allow booking of Remote Jobs

Business Name

Business Name

The business name you choose here will appear on your website, in your E-Mails to customers, on your invoices, and anywhere your business name is expected to be displayed.

Contact Information

E-Mail Address

Enter your public email address that will appear on your booking website, invoices, emails sent to customers, and as your payment support email.

Phone Number

Enter your public phone number that will appear on your booking website, invoices, emails sent to customers, and as your payment support phone number.


Enter your public company address. If you choose, this address will be displayed on your booking website, invoices, emails sent to customers, and as a payment support address.

Hours, Time Zone and Locale

Hours of Operation

Enter text that will be displayed on your public website as your hours of operation

Time Zone

Set the time zone that your business operates under.


Choose the Locale your business operates within. Changing your locale affects how dates, times, address, phone numbers and currency are displayed.

Payment Settings

Minimum Deposit

Enter 0 here if you don’t require a minimum deposit when a customer books a job online.

Enter any dollar amount as the minimum deposit amount required when a customer books a job online. The amount you enter here will be pre-filled if you send a deposit request to a customer for an estimate or invoice generated in your BackOffice.

Deposit Percentage

Enter 0 here if you don’t require a deposit when a customer books a job online.

Enter a percentage amount to require as a minimum deposit when a customer books online. For example, if you set a 20% deposit percentage, and a customer books a job with an estimate of $250.00, a $50.00 deposit payment will be immediately collected from the customer before they can confirm and schedule their job onto your calendar.

If the minimum deposit setting is higher than the deposit percentage setting, the customer will be required to pay the minimum deposit to book their job.

Remote Surcharge

Enter 0 here if you do not collect a per mile remote surcharge for on-site jobs.

Detail Bookie will automatically calculate the driving distance from your storefront address to the customer’s work site for you. By setting a per mile remote surcharge fee, you can bill your customer for the distance traveled to their worksite.

If you set the remote surcharge fee at $6 per mile, and a customer books a job 2.5mi from your shop, a $15 remote surcharge line will be added to the customer’s invoice.

You have full control over the remote surcharge fee on an invoice. You can waive the remote surcharge fee, or set a custom amount, on a per invoice basis.

Sales Taxes

If you are required to collect sales tax in your jurisdiction, enter your total combined sales tax rate here. A sales tax line item will be generated on every invoice.

Enter a value of 0 to disable adding sales tax to invoices.

Booking Lead Time

Enter the lead time you require, in hours, for a customer to self-book an appointment online. The default here is 48 hours or two days. If a customer is booking a job at 12PM on Tuesday, the soonest appointment time they can request will be at 12PM on Thursday.

You may increase or decrease this value to control how much time you need to know in advance when a customer requests an appointment time.

Choose the background color used whenever your logo is displayed. This can be entered as a hexadecimal color value, or as common color names such as red and dark red. A full list of valid color names can be found here.

Notification Time Window

Your software can be configured to deliver a highly customizable set of text messages and E-Mail alerts. It’s polite to restrict the time window these alerts will be delivered within. Just because a customer booked a detail online at 2 AM doesn’t mean they want a series of text messages at 2 AM, or worse, text messages at 2 AM many days later.

By default, notifications are restricted to occur only between 8 AM-5 PM for your configured time zone.

Booking and Address Options

Allow booking of In House jobs

If your company operates a detail shop where customers expect to visit your place of business and have work performed there, enable this option.

If you disable this option, Detail Bookie will not offer options to book jobs that occur at your place of business.

Allow booking of Remote Jobs

If your company operates a fleet of one or more remote vehicles that visit the customer on location to perform details, enable this option.

If you disable this option, Detail Bookie will not offer options to book jobs that occur at a location of the customer’s choosing.

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